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Some Things You Should do the Day Before Getting Your Braces

Some ThingsYou Should Do The Day Before Getting Your Braces On:

So it’s the day before you get your braces on, and of course you are excited because it finally means you are going to get the straight, and beautiful smile you have always wanted! 

The fact is, however, that there some foods and drinks that can damage your orthodontic brackets and wires and it’s highly recommended that you AVOID these foods or you may prolong treatment and/or have longer visits.  So, in the week leading up to your appointment, you may want to get these foods “out of your system” so to speak (although you really want to get them into your system – if you get our meaning ).

As a result we, @ Garden Oaks Dental, recommend you enjoying all the things you won’t be able to do once the braces are put on. Go ahead and have a last fling with these “Cant have” foods listed below: Seeds and nuts, hard candy, popcorn, crusty breads and bagels, pizza crust, taffy and hard caramels, raw carrots, beef jerky etc...

Whether you love or hate your crooked smile, remember to take a couple of “before” pictures or selfies on the day before you get your braces off.  They are a great memory, and you will be so surprised when you compare your “before” and after pictures once you get your braces off. Not only will your teeth be straight and beautiful, you will be amazed at how young you looked in those pre-ortho pictures.

Plan something special for the day before your braces are put on.  Go to a waterpark, enjoy a day at the movies, or shopping with friends.  Your braces journey is just beginning and it should start with something fun.  Just kick back, relax, and imagine your future beautiful and healthy smile – Let’s make it a day to remember!


Get ready to choose your braces colors!  This is where you can exercise your freedom of choice and choose the color or colors you like the most.  Maybe its your school color, or a holiday color, or your favorite color, etc.. You will have a lot of colors to choose from so get ready and plan ahead.  (look for more tips on our blog:  "Choosing the right color for your braces" blog.)

Rubina Zaman, DDS Dr. Zaman provides care for the entire family ranging in age from 3 months to 90 years old. To improve her skills and treatment options for her patients, Dr. Zaman regularly attends continuing education courses, especially in orthodontics and other teeth-straightening options such as Invisalign® and ClearConnect®. She enjoys watching her patients leave the office with a big, beautiful smile.

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